There’s no denying that people in the UK are caffeine-guzzling, sleep deprived, grumpy creatures wearing top hats. Okay, maybe not the top hats but consumers do love coffee in the UK. We Brits might have a reputation for being tea drinkers, but we love coffee just as much. Indeed, the Allegra Project Café 2018 report showed that the UK coffee market grew by 7.3% last year to a whopping £9.6bn. Our coffee consumption now stands at over 95m cups per day! But where do our Brew Boffins think the coffee market is headed in 2019?


Takeaway Coffee

Earlier this year, we wrote about why convenience stores should offer takeaway coffee. We take that back. Everyone should offer takeaway coffee.

Independent research conducted by Huhatamaki, the global food packaging specialists, found that takeaway hot drinks sales are continuing to accelerate. About 80% of the UK population buy takeaway hot drinks and almost 25% of consumers buy takeaway hot drinks at least two or three times per week. It has truly become part of our British way of life.

Consumer’s favourite takeaway hot drinks are coffee-based, with cappuccinos and lattes being the most popular choices, and the most frequently ordered sizes are 12oz and 16oz so ensuring a takeaway menu capitalises on these beverages is an easy win for any Change Lab!



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Speciality Coffee

Offering different styles of coffee attracts a more discerning customer; the kind who appreciates a trained barista, specialist espresso machine and a flat white. In technical terms, this customer would be known as a “hipster” but we love those customers because they appreciate the art and science of a good brew as much as we do.

Different coffee styles such as cortado and piccolo will appeal to this type of customer which follow the trend of stronger coffee and less milk. Staying ahead of the trends will revitalise your coffee offering and boost sales throughout the year.



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Cold Brew

We’ve seen this creeping into menus at all our favourite venues and this is a coffee trend that will continue well into 2019 and beyond – and we predict it will less of a novelty and more of a mainstream option, perfect for easy on-the-go consumption.

As the pace of life accelerates, people have less time to spend waiting for a coffee. They value both convenience and quality – but do not want to sacrifice one for the other. Cold brew is the answer.

Cold brewing is a method in which ground coffee beans are steeped in cold or room temperature water for up to 24 hours before being diluted and served chilled, resulting in a sweeter and more mellow flavour which is much less acidic and bitter than a traditional coffee.

Our Brew Boffins also predict the continuing popularity of Nitro coffee. The infusion of cold brew coffee with nitrogen gas leaves you with a deliciously foamy, velvety and rich mouthfeel. Plus, there’s a very cool, dramatic element to nitro coffee because it is usually stored in a pressurised keg, which means it’s poured from a tap just like a Guinness. However, Change Labs who are interested in stocking nitro coffee should be aware of set up costs as a full scale setup with a pressurised keg and special tap can cost more than £1000

Cold coffee works all year round as a light and refreshing alternative to hot beverages but still with that necessary caffeine kick.  For Change Labs the appeal is clear, cold coffee is a premium item so you can charge a premium price tag.




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Milk Alternatives

We wrote recently about the rise of veganism in the UK. By including healthy milk alternatives such as almond and soya milk, operators will be able to satisfy consumer’s dietary requirements whilst also reaching a wider demographic and increasing sales.

And although we hate to say it because we’re a big fan of small businesses, it’s time to mirror the vegan menu options of larger chains. Places such as Costa, Pret a Manger and Starbucks already offer options such as organic coconut-rice milk, soya milk and oat milk. They are successful for a reason and the British public expect the same quality, choice and value for money elsewhere.

There are 3.5 million vegans in the UK so ensuring you don’t exclude these customers could make a huge difference to your sales!



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